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Charlotte Walker is an experienced osteopath with a particular interest and specialism in chronic pain and other stress related illnesses. She graduated with a degree in Osteopathic Medicine from BCOM in 1996, and later as a post-graduate from the Sutherland Cranial College.

In 2019 she completed the SIRPA practitioner training course, and more recently Harold Schubiner’s Freedom from Chronic Pain professional training programme. Charlotte has worked collaboratively in London since 2001 in a multi-disciplinary health clinic currently alongside a GP, chiropractor, acupuncturist and team of physiotherapists. Previous members of the clinic team have included a neuro surgeon and rheumatologist.

Charlotte’s osteopathic training and experience have proved important clinically for distinguishing between a structural or neurogenic cause of a patient’s pain symptoms. Building up evidence and belief in the possibility of a mind body aetiology is crucial in the recovery process, and patients respect the clinical exposure that Charlotte has had. Charlotte’s treatment approach is holistic. Education of the mind body interaction is a fundamental aspect, and provides the bedrock of treatment. Recovery is patient-centred.

She uses Pain Reprocessing Therapy to help the patient’s relationship with symptoms. Breathing and relaxation techniques, sometimes using hands-on therapy, are used for managing stress. Internal stresses and conflicts are addressed using the evidence-based Internal Family Systems model. Charlotte’s personal recovery from years of chronic pain fuels her passion and dedication to helping patients uncover their own inherent healing abilities.

Berkshire Pain Clinic
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